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Showing posts from February, 2011

A Self-Rebuttal: Down, Set, Go

You know sometimes when you write things and they sound fine as you’re writing them, but as your read your own words afterwards, how they might come across differently? Well, I re-read yesterday’s post this morning and totally got that feeling. Specifically when I wrote: “With this in mind, whether God grants you your dreams or not, if you have this very type of hope within you, do those plans or dreams even matter?”. It makes it sound as though your own dreams don’t matter, and that’s not what I was trying to say. I mean, that is a bit harsh! Especially myself, as a big dreamer; always gazing at the skies. But y’know, I put a question mark there at the end, because it’s a legitimate question I have with God. It’s nothing definitive or directive, just something I’ve been wondering about. How do our dreams play into His plan, if even at all? Maybe it’s like in Inception , where an idea that’s Inception’d, becomes this great source of motivation and inspiration, one that could cha...

Upside Down To Be Right Side Up

For the past few weeks, I've been thinking a lot about the idea of the Bible as the upside-down gospel, as described by one of my pastors last year. It revolves around the idea of irony, how many stories told within the Bible are based on backwards thinking - turning the whole thing upside down, if you will. When cursed, you bless. To be last, is to be first. To be poor, is to be rich. To be level 4 gnome healer, is to be level 85 dungeon raid leader. Well, I'm sure that last one will appear in the new edition of the Bible someday. But you get my point, we are to be opposite from the way the world would want us to be. A life lived in irony, since we're not living for the world. So I was thinking about things in my life right now and the direction I wanted life to go. A life of uncertainty, where every dream in the seas of opportunity are anchored to question marks. But that I guess, is the inherent problem with all this, I was thinking about the things that *I* want in ...

Nick Hornby's SLAM!!!!!!!!!

Nick Hornby continues to be my favourite author and Slam further solidifies this. He writes about me, without writing about me. He writes about characters who have one foot forward into growing up, but with their other foot firmly rooted into their childhood. Like in High Fidelity or About a Boy, they’re stories of men who don’t want to grow up. So Slam follows this trend of characters, except it turns things on its head a bit. Instead of a story about grownups, this is a story about a teenager; someone who is half-way between childhood and adulthood. With the analogy of one foot forward and one foot back, the teen would probably be mid-way... that’s right, in the crotch region of life. The story is about a 16-year old boy named Sam who is raised by his single mother who conceived him when she was a teenager. Sam is a typical teenager, the one that’s sort of breezing through life, without any clear direction or motivation to take his life anywhere. He’s a big fan of skating (as in skat...


My friend Andrew released his music video for a song called "Zombie Ninjas" last week. I was blessed to play one of the zombie victims. Good times and a fun song! Check out his website right ( here ) for Songs To Wear Pants To .

Bioshock 2!!!! (Xbox 360)

Besides Mass Effect 2 and Final Fantasy 13, Bioshock 2 was the third game that I was most looking forward to this year. I’ve said before that Bioshock the first was my favourite game on the Xbox 360 and it pretty much still stands today. So I was quite excited for the sequel. The game takes place years after the first within the same world; the dystopian underwater city of Rapture. However, you explore new and different parts of the city. This time around you play as a Big Daddy named Subject Delta; the big hulking robotic menaces that you had to fight in the first game. The Big Daddy’s are eternally linked to small zombie-like girls that wander around the city called Little Sisters. The Daddy’s sole mission is to protect the Sisters from harm. The game begins by showing how Delta was initially separated from his Little Sister, a girl named Eleanor. Delta is forced beyond his control to kill himself but is revived several years later as the Little Sisters repair him under Eleanor’s com...

Taking a trip back to 1990 with TWIN PEAKS!

This past Christmas, I had a lovely and extended 2 week break between work. My mindset was to relax, relax and relax. I didn’t have too many things planned out but I had one goal in mind: to start and finish the Twin Peaks TV series before heading back to work. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to finish it all within 2 weeks, but I came close, with only 5 episodes left before my first day back at work. It’s all good though, it took nearly 2 weeks, but I finished the remaining 5 episodes as of yesterday. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen Twin Peaks before, but if you have, I have one thing to say to you: what the heck was that!?!? Twin Peaks was a television series created by David Lynch. It originally aired in the early 90’s and was a hit amongst critics and the audience. The show was praised for its unconventional approach to the crime genre, with its use of metaphorical and enigmatic dream sequences coupled with its offbeat and dark humour. Those familiar with Lynch’s oddball...