About two months ago, me and a friend were talking about comic books and sharing about some of the stories that we were enjoying. He was telling me about DC's Infinite Crisis , describing the story and it interested me. At the time, I thought that I had never read it before, so earlier this month, I dove right into this seven issue series. With each passing issue I kept thinking to myself, "wow, this story seems really familiar". And in fact, there were numerous times where I would predict what would happen on the next page... I must have read it before and it turns out I did. So I talked to my friend again and it turns out he had read Final Crisis , a different crossover series from DC Comics. Looking back, this was a happy mistake because it's been a long time since I first read this story arc which I enjoyed the first time around and still enjoyed this second time. Released originally in 2006, Infinite Crisis is a crossover series in the DC Universe that sou...