LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy is the sequel to the 2005 hit. Developed by Traveller's Tales, it was released late in 2006, this time around the game was based on Episodes IV to VI, the Original Trilogy. The plot basically follows along the lines of the movies, but where they take their liberties are with those things that happen in between scenes that we don't get to see in the movies. Also, when re-enacting any of the movie scenes, they add their own comedic LEGO twist to them, so it's really fun to watch. The characters themselves never really talk, they mime what they're trying to say, and mumble a noise or two. It basically assumes you know the Star Wars stories so you can tell what's going on. One of the great things about the game is the plethora of characters available. There must be 50 of them at least. About half of them you'll acquire as you continue along with the story, but many of them will have to be bought and unlocked through the...